Farmer support for the Conservatives has fallen below 50 per cent for the first time in living memory. A survey by Farmers Weekly shows that just 42 per cent would vote Conservative if there was a general election tomorrow.
This compares with 57 per cent who said they would vote Conservative a year ago and 72 per cent in 2020.
Those farmers leaving the Conservatives are split almost equally between Labour and Liberal Democrats, each attracting 23 per cent of the farming vote.
In Scotland 38 per cent backed the Conservatives, followed by the SNP at 30 per cent. In Wales 44 per cent said they would vote Conservative. Labour and the Liberal Democrats got 19 per cent each and Plaid Cymru 15 per cent.
Owner occupiers were more strongly Conservative at 56 per cent, but their support among tenant farmers was just 22 per cent. This group preferred the Liberal Democrats.